Originally, there were seven hermitages in Valdemorillo, dedicated to San Juán (Saint John), Santa Ana (Saint Anna), Santísima Trinidad (the Holy Trinity), Santa Lucía (Saint Lucy), Cristo de San Andrés (Christ of Saint Andrew), Cirsto de la Sangre (the Bleeding Christ) and Nuestra Señora de la Paz (Our Lady of the Peace). They are represented on the town crest in the form of seven silver stars. Only two of these original seven buildings remain today.
One of the two remaining hermitages is the Ermita de San Juan (The Hermitage of Saint John), located on the street of the same name. It was built in the mid-19th century on the remains of a much older building and was restored in 1998.
The hermitage is a simple stone building, home to an old carving of Saint John and another more recent one of the Virgin Mary.
One of the stand-out features of this hermitage is the panelled wooden ceiling, which is one of the more modern parts of the building but still preserves the spirit of its original construction.
Fiesta de San Juan (Feast of Saint John)
The Fiesta de San Juan is a long-standing tradition that takes place alongside the hermitage, where the young people of the town celebrate the night of Saint John.
This tradition has been revived in recent years and sees the local community turn out for bonfires, street performances and plenty of food and drink.
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